News Feed

Vacancy for a Parish Councillor

Published: 26 Jul 24

We have one Co-option Vacancy for a Parish Councillor Read More...

What's going on in and around Billingshurst?

Published: 25 Jul 24

Check out our What's On page to see what is coming up in and around Billingshurst over the next few weeks Read More...

Carers Support West Sussex

Published: 24 Jul 24

Are you looking after someone who couldn't manage without your help? Read More...

Reporting Highway Issues

Published: 24 Jul 24

There is an excellent reporting facility for West Sussex County Council. Read More...

Jubilee Fields - New Skate Ramp

Published: 24 Jul 24

A new wooden Skate Ramp at Jubilee Fields is set to wow residents at the official opening on Saturday 3rd August Read More...

We are recruiting!

Published: 12 Jul 24

We have a vacancy for an Environmental Operative - 26 hours per week Read More...

Family Activity Day - Saturday 3rd August

Published: 12 Jul 24

Billingshurst Wardens & Billingshurst Parish Council have set up an Activity Day for the whole family at Jubilee Fields Read More...

West Sussex County Council Elections May 2025

Published: 10 Jul 24

Did you Know that the West Sussex County Council Elections are coming up in 2025? Read More...

Community Police Hub

Published: 1 Jul 24

New opening times for the Sussex Police Hub at the Billingshurst Centre - July 2024 Read More...

E-Newsletter Sign Up

Published: 30 Jun 24

Would you like to receive agendas and council news direct to your email inbox? Sign up to our ENewsletter Read More...

Notice of Annual Governance & Accountability Return Year Ended 31 March 2024

Published: 27 Jun 24

Date of announcement Wednesday 26th June 2024

Grass Cutting Schedule

Published: 11 Jun 24

West Sussex County Council is responsible for roadside verge cutting Read More...

Where are you?

Published: 15 May 24

Could the emergency services find your property in the event of an emergency? Read More...

We've Gone Green!!!

Published: 8 Feb 24

Billingshurst Parish Council has gone green with its new electric vehicle Read More...

Swifts, where are they now?

Published: 2 Feb 24

More information on common swifts and their migratory patterns Read More...

Operation Crackdown

Published: 12 Jan 24

Report Anti-social driving and/or Abandoned Vehicles

Billingshurst Ukelele Club

Published: 4 Jan 24

Check out Billiuke!

Lights on in West Sussex

Published: 10 Nov 23

Report a streetlight which isn't working on this excellent reporting facility Read More...

Power Cuts

Published: 26 Oct 23

A number is available where people can get information about power cuts Read More...

Cold Weather Alert Sign Up

Published: 26 Oct 23

Find out more about how you can sign up to receive cold weather updates. Read More...

The HDC Local Plan

Published: 26 Oct 23

The new Horsham District Council Local Plan Timetable

Annual Audit Notice

Published: 4 Oct 23

Notice of Conclusion of Annual Audit, Year end 31 March 2023 Read More...

Guidance on Dog Issues

Published: 8 Aug 23

New Horsham District Council guidance on dog issues.

Parish Precept Increase Explained

Published: 20 Feb 23

Details for rise in parish precept this coming 2023 - 2024 year Read More...

Traffic Calming Proposals

Published: 19 Jan 23

An update on Traffic Calming Proposals for Billingshurst Village Read More...

Traffic Calming

Published: 30 Apr 21

Requests for Traffic Calming Across the Parish

Highway Trees Project

Published: 28 Apr 21

View the map of highway tree locations in Billingshurst Read More...