Traffic Calming

Published: 30 April 2021

Traffic Calming across the parish

The Council receives many requests for traffic calming across the Parish. Although ultimate responsibility for such matters resides with WSCC as highways authority, the Parish Council does have some power to promote such schemes and it is currently focusing its energies on developing proposals to make East St and High St more pedestrian and cycle-friendly, following the opening of the new spine road which should remove through traffic.

Parish Councillors consider there may be scope to set up a Traffic Calming Working Party, made up of local residents and Councillors, which could consider such future requests, determine which are possible, and take forward new schemes. The Council is keen to gauge the level of interest before setting up such a group, so if you would like to offer your services and get involved, please email  

At this stage we are not looking for a list of possible projects. In the meantime there is lots of information about traffic calming at