In response to requests from residents asking for action to reduce and slow traffic in the East Street and High Street areas (following the completion of the Spine Road) the Parish Council appointed consultants to look at what could be done.
They have now reported and come up with a package of works that should help deter thru traffic and rat-running, slow traffic, encourage walking and cycling, and simultaneously make the High Street a more enjoyable and safer place to visit.
Whilst the Parish is promoting this scheme, it will be up to WSCC as highway authority to consider and take forward, funds permitting. However, support from the community for such submissions is essential.
The proposals, which are only concepts and will need further detailed study, can be viewed online at from 19th January 2022. Please take a moment to complete the online survey telling us whether you are broadly in favour (or not!) and have any additional comments.
In addition, the proposals will be on display at the Billingshurst Centre on Wednesday 2 February 2022 from 2pm to 7pm, when Parish Cllrs and Officers will be on hand to try to answer any questions. Consultation closes Mon 28th February 2022.
Click HERE to read an update on Traffic Calming Proposals - January 2023