Meetings take place in the Billingshurst Community & Conference Centre, and whenever possible (and when technology permits), are also streamed on the Council's Facebook page.   Members of the public should be aware that being present at a meeting of the Council or one of its Committees or Sub-Committees will be deemed as the person having given consent to being recorded (photograph, film or audio recording) at the meeting, by any person present.

In accordance with the Transparency Code, the Council is obliged to publish minutes on its website, within one month of the meeting. All Council minutes published are therefore draft, until they are approved at the subsequent meeting. Please look at subsequent minutes to see if they have been amended prior to approval.

Click on the Committees to access Agendas and Minutes

Full Council

Meets on alternate months.

Finance & General Purposes Committee

Meets on the last Wednesday of each month

Billingshurst Centre Committee

Billingshurst Centre Committee meets monthly prior to the Finance & General Purposes Committee

Planning & Environment Committee

Meets on the first Tuesday of each month, with Extraordinary meetings held when required

Property Committee

Meets quarterly.

Neighbourhood Plan Working Party

This Working Party is currently in abeyance

Annual Meeting of Electors

Meets Annually in April

CCTV Working Party

Meets when required

Parish Council as Charity Trustee

Parish Council as Charity Trustee is held quarterly after Full Council